Now that I'm almost six months removed from being divorced, I've been learning many things about how God intends us to live. About how we are supposed to think and the perspectives we are to have. Your feedback and comments, or relevant verses, are appreciated.
I'm learning that it's not about what we want, but what we have. And what we do with what we have.
I'm learning that God doesn't want me to pray for what He can do FOR me. He wants me to pray for what He can do WITH me.
I am not to pray for a better job. I am to pray to do a better job and be a better person at the job I currently have.
I am not to pray for more money or a higher paying job. I am to faithfully state my trust and faith that He will meet my needs. How He does it is up to Him.
I am not to worry about what I do not have. But to be thankful for all the things I do have. God is faithful, His promises are true, and He will take care of my needs.
I'm learning that it's not about what I think or want. And it's not about what others may think or want. It's about what God knows and wants.
It's not about what I want to do with my life. It's about what God wants to do with my life.
It's not about my reputation or what I learn or accomplish in life. It's about what I do for God's glory and for His Kingdom.
I am learning that I need to see people not as the world sees people, and not as they see themselves, but as Christ sees them.
I am learning that the knowledge of man, or woman, is finite and ultimately flawed. But the knowledge of God is perfect and infinite.
I am learning that decisions must be made not with my desires and plans in mind, and not with the desires or plans of others in mind, but with the will of God in mind. I am learning that many, if not most, will not understand that. And I am learning that obedience and faithfulness can be lonely at times.
I am learning that God wants us to be concerned with what we do with what we have -- not to be consumed with what we think we need. He doesn't want us to put off doing things today for what we think will be a better tomorrow. He doesn't want us to see our weaknesses or shortcomings or disadvantages as things that hold us back. He wants us to act in spite of our weaknesses, shortcomings, and/or disadvantages so that when He completes a work in our lives He alone will get the glory and honor. And in that we will receive our reward.
I am learning that sin has consequences. But repentance and confession grant forgiveness and hope.
I am learning that I am very much a sinner. But that I am also very much a child of God.
I am learning that God doesn't view people through titles, prefixes or labels. He sees them through the loving eyes of a Creator. He loves all, regardless of who they are or what they have done. And He expects us to do the same. Whether they are friends or enemies, neighbors or strangers -- we are commanded (not asked) to love them.
I am a father who loves his kids more than anything. And I have a Father who loves us more than anything. I am to love my children as He loves us. I am to disciple my children.
It's not enough that I AM a father. I am tasked to BE a father.
I am learning that what we think to be the easy way seldom is and never works compared to when we do things God's way -- even though God's way may seem more difficult or even impossible. And many times, it is not even fully known.
God's will is perfect. But it is seldom easy. The will and the work of God will be fought and resisted mightily. The greater the work, the greater the resistance. We must take refuge in and draw our strength from His Word and from fellowship with Him and His people. To act alone, or to act with counsel that is not from God, is to exacerbate the difficulties, expand the problems, and lengthen the process. In short, it is to opt for the pain of pride over the peace of obedience.
I am not a changed man. But I am a changing man. I am not a perfect man. In fact, I am painfully aware of my imperfections. I don't want my will for my life. I want only God's. I'm nobody special. But I am a child of God. I still haven't fully learned anything. But I am learning many things. It's a start. And it's a good place to be.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil." Proverbs 3:5-7
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